Radiant Heat Thermostat Can I Use Any Thermostat W/timer For Radiant Floor Heating?

Can I use any thermostat w/timer for radiant floor heating? - radiant heat thermostat

I just changed my under-floor heating, and came standard with a thermostat. I would like the option of a timer, which can then be programmed to activate and deactivate as necessary. Can I buy there all the thermostat / timer on the floor?


Rich Z said...

Yes, they can and will save on their heating bills. Ensure a pre-configuration, because the radiant heat tends to overheat on the ground, while the wall thermostat (on the wall at eye level) slower to feel the heat.

Generally, there are two thermostats for the establishment and radiant heat up. A normal temperature is a wall of air that you speak and the other is used to keep the soil at a constant temperature by measuring the temperature near the heat source.

fugazi48 said...

I do not know if they thermstats timer for power plants. But when you heat, hot water, of course, have, I am sure you will find a programmable thermostat with hot water.

If all else fails, you may be able to kill a heater in accordance with the clock thermostat, the power in the desired time.

vistazan said...

I would like with people who have installed, maintained, and sit down with one. You can at places like Lowe's or Home Depot to be in a position that could put into force, but then you have it in connection to yourself or someone do it for you anyway.
Imagine if in this way, paying the price for the new system of underfloor heating - rather wouldnt be a few dollars to spend more reassured that he is entitled, timer / thermostat on your system?

twogreen... said...

I read the instructions supplied with your system, underfloor heating. If that does not give an answer, then try a different web page of related literature, and if that fails, the 800-point attached to the product try to call. Basically, try the manufacturer of options that determine a timer.

Will - General Contractor

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