Quit Claim Deed Mortgage My Mother Has A Mortgage On Some Property. If She Does A Quit Claim Deed..?

My mother has a mortgage on some property. If she does a quit claim deed..? - quit claim deed mortgage

What happens if the mortgage refinancing of the action with a discharge? What happens to my brothers and sisters are entitled to the property when my mother dies? Who owns the property, and can afford the payments or refinance. The property is close to me and I demand to refinance. What should I do?


Anonymous said...

You can buy the shares. Her brothers are not the property at the right time, and not the law, if someone other than your mother, holding him after his death. Your mother can give a gift of equity, and sell the house for you, so you owe it to still present. Call a lender, ask them if they can do that. There are some restrictions on the length of the arm "loans between family members, but you need a loan issuer talk subscriber, you can find all the details and see if it can work for you.

Most mortgage that is invoked when the transfer of property, unless there is a clause in the accession. They are very rare nowadays.

Anonymous said...

It belongs to his mother to do with what you choose, if you live, and when it will happen.
It can Quitclaim, and you can get a mortgage on it, a first mortgage, not a refined as it is now in the heading.
If your capital is more than $ 12,000, you must file a gift. If your capital is less than $ 12K, can not be a problem. Or if you are buying the property, pay for it the capital. . . . . ?.

The transfer of ownership to you of course if you are logged in, you can increase the attractiveness of your loan. But if you do your own financing, part of what you are doing is paying parent loans, get their property and bonds.

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