3:22 AM
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Python questions regarding strings? - python call batch
I know it's my job and I do myself, but honestly, I watched the entire chapter and did not find it, so I turned all the help.
9) The duration of a program that is the I / O files, makes
a) the presence of oriented b) multi-line C) Lot D) BLADE
(I do not think it is B), but perhaps wrongly
10) A function that "life" into an object (s)
a) method b) the Registrar c) Library d) Module
(I think it is one, but I just want to confirm)
Thanks for any help:)
1:55 AM
Posted by
Why do adults feel they should write in this manner? - list of adult emoticons
It was written a question a few minutes ago and I had to stop reading because it is gibberish. Why do adults think that they speak in text messages or even speak when writing or sending an e-mail? It amazes me is the number of working adults that I am also with the use of compressed words and emoticons. This is just obscene. English will be conducted in French (first floor), we must do everything to protect them?
What should I do 4 my birthday?
Im gonna be 20 months and I NXT summit with my colleagues. I've a list of 16, I would like to invite, PPL, 4Kids (SIS + my brother and a friend each) and 12 adults. Want something that kids will love, but we adults can have fun. Suggestions? My brother and SIS were 12 and 13
2:33 AM
Posted by
Can anyone tell Me where to get information on a KH 50 Kubota mini-excavator.? - kubota kh 50
The KH50 not manufactured for use in the United States or sale.
3:05 AM
Posted by
Does my pectus excavatum look severe? - index.of jpg ay papi
My eyes severe pectus excavatum? and does not seem to have an index Haller, 3.2?
He asked.
http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv276 ...
http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv276 ...
3:42 AM
Posted by
Where can i find a free copy of a Texas Residential Purchase Agreement? - texas residential agreement
... http://www.trec.state.tx.us/formslawscon
4:20 AM
Posted by
Rights on questioning minors? - cool initiation ideas
My son was a crime that he was not convicted questioned. In this process, said the police details of the call initiation by a gang. He is 15 and has not yet realized that I was in a great number of problems with other 4 or 5. Legally he is to read their Miranda rights? I read some of the provisions relating to minors and the examination and says something about Miranda rights in jeopardy and do not understand what you say in May or against him. There are 5, the teenager began, the considerable cost. He volunteered the information and the police had no idea until he told them. You are not a "band" with only 5 or 6 children who thought it would be cool to say they are in a gang. More wannabees. Group 2 childrenhas characterized some of the city, but not all were involved. You get no other trouble.14 and 15 olddest
4:50 AM
Posted by
Can you live in a legally maintained and parked vehicle in the UK? - legal requirements of car park
My question is in relation to road traffic laws of the United Kingdom.
If I have a trailer / RV that is fully insured, has a valid MOT certificate, it has the vehicle tax is valid and (stationed at 100%, for example, legal, parked in a single shaft angle parking permit for the I have a valid and legally entitled to have the park) ...
... is that the law in the vehicle to live 365 days a year? Can I use my caravan / motorhome in a legal forum and live there?
Some parking spaces to indicate "4 hours parking only" or "No return within 24 hours," I do not know, talk about it. I'm not talking about parking restrictions.
Basically my question is: if it is legal to leave a vehicle somewhere permanently, legLiving in the vehicle, provided they comply with the conditions I mentioned?
When I meet all legal requirements for the possession of / use / parking in public, then it is right to live in the car?
5:06 AM
Posted by
How do I convert these files to .jpg or .bmp? (Help with .ai or .cdr file)? - rapidshare bmp studio
Hello. I can not convert these files. Jpg or bmp. In fact, I can not open at all. I have tried to use to open Corel Paint Shop Pro and some other programs like Paint and Image Studio Photo Filter still not. Can someone please help me, because I need tomorrow for a school project. If someone can convert one of these files. Jpg or bmp and tlicatdig@gmail.com write me, I'm very, very grateful.
- Http: / / rapidshare.com/files/23322330/logo.ai.html
- Http: / / rapidshare.com/files/23322497/logo.cdr.html
They are only small files (one is 77kb and 23kb). Please help. Thank you in advance.
5:34 AM
Posted by
Will chondrotin and glucosamine (excuse spelling pls), or chiropractor, help heal bulging back discs? - recommended glucosamine and chondrotin 2009 for shoulder
I know that generally recommended for joint pain, and in fact I became painful, years ago, when the plate was joint pain, but I have several wounded in the back and have bone spurs in T10. Any chance that would cure this stuff to help your back? I 2x/wk begin physical therapy for 6 weeks. But I go to a chiropractor and a massage therapist who heals the wounds? Thank you for your help!
5:52 AM
Posted by
What is this clear scab on the underside of my...? - visual pictures of skin cancer
Well, that's quite big ... But I studied hell on sexually transmitted diseases, I am 22 and I was with 5 people in my life. This morning I saw a great future, the thin crust on the underside of my penis. It seems that hair gel when it dries on the skin ... This is the best visual I could have ... Please give me answers right, I do not want to "Dude, you have the clap" or something ... This is very serious and important for me, so I can get supplies to ... Like I said, I have tried all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases, and photos, and nothing seems to what I ... So I was) asked (hoping that someone knows what happens. Thank you for your time.
6:10 AM
Posted by
Head lice and pregnant!!!? - lice shampoo for pregnant women
Hello there ... My daughter has head lice and eggs at the time, and I also ... I treat the hair the night before, but not all eggs are gone? I'm not aloud to treat the hair with chemicals, when I am 6 months .. I ask myself pregnant at the tea tree shampoo I should each day with a lice comb? get rid of them? I also have all the washing and destroyed the whole house! lol advice would be great, thanks!
6:19 AM
Posted by
Does anyone know where I can find a free template on the internet of a rental or lease agreememnt....? - free rental agreement template ontario
I just want a page 1 or 2, operating leases, which can be printed. There must be something like the Internet, but can not find it. Thanks
6:54 AM
Posted by
An old cartoon's theme song has the words "this is our.. g-g-g-generation." What is the name of the show? - song theme of schoolboy crush movie
I think the show is called "Generations (something)". It was a caricature of a group ... And it's really all I remember. I want to know more about it, because I remember liking it.
7:19 AM
Posted by
Can I continue to run with Runner's Knee? - continue training with runners knee
A few days ago I woke up with pain in my left knee. After a few days I realized that I have runner's knee. Most sites say to take some time to heal. However, I'm in the middle of my summer training method for cross-country skiers. I kill miles 50-60 weeks by myself. Can I continue to run and to use other means to treat my injury?
6:22 AM
Posted by
How do you complete the Pink Panther 2 thing in Early Poptropica in Poptropica? - poptropica how to get all badges
I'm at the point where you have the plate and hammer. Where do you find the key to the cupboard?
10:38 AM
Posted by
How do you pronounce Cyrano de Bergerac? - how do you pronounce cyrano
I have excerpts from the book and have read it, but I do not know how to pronounce it!
11:14 AM
Posted by
On average how much does it cost to get your vigina waxed? - where can i get my vigina waxed in lincoln
Only Venn? And I have it on TV some time ago, which was like a razor, but I had the leaves like a laser-reflection and gave you a good shave. Does anyone know his name?
11:51 AM
Posted by
Has a teenage guy with both glasses and braces ever gotten a girl? - girl with two vajinas
I know because I think I can not a girl like me, and not as a friend because my glasses and braces. I do not think I should try to get rid of, one of them. Are there any teenagers out there with glasses and braces, who has managed to get a girl?
12:28 PM
Posted by
Is someone know dr.eric knochenhauer from Staten island NY? - dr eric knochenhauer
We are trying for more than 1 years to become pregnant.
I have to hear from dr. Knochenhauer Eric, before I go to him, someone who knows how to
12:59 PM
Posted by
What should be the angles of the triangle formed by the A frames in a 10ft x 6ft wooden swing frame? - wooden swing blueprint
I am talking about the two executives, who have up to a swing. The swing will take two to three movements, and they must be safe for children. Should I equilateral triangles with 60 degrees on every corner?
1:31 PM
Posted by
Winter running tights? - nike distance cold weather tight - mens
What would be best run for my winter? Nike Cold Weather Tight Distance - Men's
(http://www.eastbay.com/product/model:133 ...
or Nike Thermal Brushed Tight - Men's
http://www.eastbay.com/product/model:971 ...
Price does not matter, but they must be able to me warm and well 10 * and 30 * F. Temperatures up to 2 hours at a time.
2:06 PM
Posted by
Are most of jet lis movies like underground kung fu if yea what other good movies? - jet lis unleashed streamimg
released as the kiss of the dragon and
2:31 PM
Posted by
How can i stop my dog from misbehaving on the lead when she sees other dogs? - when do rottweilers stop teething
Performance, I have two Rottweilers in question is the youngest woman in two (15 months) is very good in other areas, and grew up with my other dog, so I do not understand what the problem is ...
3:02 PM
Posted by
Petrol Go Karting Club? - cheap petrol go kart frames
Know someone is a petro-Kart Club, near Bolton? when I say that is lyk club means that I pay so much for a year or two, or even as cheap? Also everyone knows where I am a petrol go-kart frame and was able to buy cheap petrol go-kart for lyk £ 200 for petrol go-kart?